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Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Jubilant

Here is my entry for this week’s Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Jubilant.

I took this photo in 2008 of Yaquina Head Lighthouse in Florence, Oregon.  I call this Lighthouse “mine”, just because it is special to me.

A quick background.  In March 2001, I had a mysterious illness and suffered multiple organ failure and was in a coma for 40-days.  Chris and I lived in Denver, Colorado at that time.  We went on a trip where Oregon was part of our adventure in September 2003.  That is where I first saw this lighthouse and climbed the 83′ feet to the top.  We decided we wanted to move to Oregon and in November of 2005 we packed up and moved to Oregon. (To read more see my story).

This photo has a second meaning to me, because this was around the time I decided to take photography seriously.  I have sold many copies of this print to local people although not with the words.




Qi (energy) hugs


63 replies »

  1. Your story of overcoming the odds and thriving in the field of your passion is so inspiring. Amazing visual symbolic of your journey, Cee. ❤


  2. It would be a huge victory for me, too. Not likely, but huge if it ever happened. Congratulations on the picture (which is wonderful) and your conquering Everest!


    • You conquer things every day….. considering you aren’t suppose to be alive either. Every time we smile or allow another smile to smile…that day is a huge victory.


  3. i take my hat off to you for overcoming such difficult time. beautiful photo!


  4. Wow! You certainly do have great cause to celebrate life! Inspiring story. I’m glad you improved, glad you took up photography, and glad you moved here to Oregon 🙂 . Beautiful photo, too.


  5. There’s nothing better than recovering from a serious illness!
    Then you learn to appreciate every single moment of your life , and let go what’s useless and mean…
    Thanks for this share, wish you all the best!


    • It is or was. All my symptoms are now gone. Now for 30 years of being sick, my body has a lot of healing to do. But the life threatening part is over. YEAH!!!

      Liked by 3 people

            • Since I found out I have Lymes … people and I have been blogging or on other on line communities have diagnosed me instantly. I lived in Colorado and they have Rocky Mtn Spotted fear there. That’s what I got bit by…but I never knew it. So 4 or 5 years later my symptoms mimicked MS more than anything and I knew I didn’t have that. Even when I was hospitalized the doctors had no clue why I got sick and why I appeared to get healthy again. They called me a miracle. what saved me then was massive doses of some of the most potent antibiotics there is. Which held Lymes at by for 4 years…then it happened all over again but without the coma. In the meantime, I moved to Portland, Oregon. And I was getting sick again and my then doctor had lymes. I told her about some early symptoms and she said …. you have lymes. 28 years and nearly dead 3 times, I finally found out. I was still a terminal case because they couldn’t control the infections. Qigong cured the infections and now I am 3+ years free of meds and finally healing. It’s been a long time coming.

              Liked by 1 person

  6. thank you for sharing that Cee – it is amazing how adversity often opens up new things for us to do (e.g. photography). You were so justified in being jubilant after that achievement jx


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