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Cee’s Weekly Wrap July 2, 2016 and DP Weekly Photo Challenge-Opposites

Up and down

Up and down

I am hoping you all are having a great weekend!  There is still have plenty of time get your entries into all my challenges for this week.  I’m sure the bloggers who I featured would appreciate your comments too.

Here is my entry for this week’s Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Opposites.   ENJOY. Have a great weekend everyone.

Sunday – Odd Ball Photo Challenge:  2016 Week #26

You still have until tomorrow to join in on this week’s COB challenge.  There is never a theme to COB challenge.  Odd Ball’s are those great photos that you take which really don’t seem to fit into a common category.

Featured Bloggers 

Monday – Share Your World 2016 Week #26

See how everyone answered this week’s questions.

  1. What’s your most memorable (good or bad) airplane flight?
  2. How many bones, if any, have you broken?
  3. If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be? (guest can be dead, alive, famous or someone you just know)
  4. Make a Currently List: What are you reading, watching, listening to, eating, needing, wanting, and missing right now?

Tuesday – Fun Foto Challenge:  Walks – Indoor or Outdoors

There are still a couple days to get your entries in for the CCFC topic.

Featured Bloggers

Next Tuesday’s topic will be Bridges.

Wednesday – Cee’s Compose Yourself Challenge – #23 Black and White:  The Basics.  This challenge will run through July 26, 2016.

CCY Gold Star Award Winners: #22 Guide the Viewer and Flipping Photos

This week’s Gold Star Award is granted the following bloggers:

The lesson #24 Black and White Photography – Post Processing will starts the 4th Wednesday of July.

Thursday – Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge:  Store Front Signs

There are still a few days to get your entries in for the CB&K topic.

Featured Bloggers

Next week’s theme will have a new post for with the topic is In the Distance.


Here is my entry for this week’s Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Opposites.  I hope you like my selection

Bottom left side is the Pacific Ocean top right side is the Willamette River.

Bottom left side is the Pacific Ocean top right side is the Columbia  River.  You also water fluid and rock.

Opposite animals (deer and geese)

Opposite animals (deer and geese)

Water (fast flowing) and Ice (solid).

Water (fast flowing) and Ice (solid).  You also have frozen and green growth.

Bathtub and flowers and rust. All are opposites when put together.

Bathtub and flowers and rust. All are opposites when put together.

Peahen and Peacock are opposite and so are the colors.

Peahen and Peacock are opposite and so are the colors.

Qi (energy) hugs


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