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      • I got one after reading that Ansel Adams recommended all budding photogs use one exclusively for a while. Tech that primitive forces you to concentrate absolutely on composition and light. They were some of the best pics I ever took. 🙂


        • I am so low tech as a photographer. I am all about composition. If you don’t have a good composition, it isn’t worth using or buying all the expensive cameras, lenses, software. The first photo I ever took was from a version of the brownie (don’t know what type though) and I still feel it is one of my best and I was only six at the time.

          Liked by 1 person

          • “I am all about composition.” It shows. Yours is the only photo-blog I follow because of your obvious underlying talent. Using tech to compensate for lack of basic skills has become so widespread in so many fields that it’s very refreshing now when one comes across a True Adept. But then, if you started at 6 (!), you were practically bound to be by now 🙂


  1. These are great. I love candids. Makes me want to get out and take some. Now I’m off to check out “The Girl…”


      • Nope. I wasn’t feeling well. And today I’m back at work. But the weekend is almost here. I told my wife I wanted to go to a place we had passed through before, Mt. Carmel in Utah. And she pulled up a site that showed the road has been closed due to two large boulders, each bigger than a house, that fell onto the road and damaged and obstructed our only route. So I don’t know where we’re going this weekend but, hopefully someplace fun!


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