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Women’s March – Around the World

The numbers on the marches today are just blowing my mind. So much support for the people of the US. Please re-blog if you appreciate it as much as I do.


30 replies »

  1. I was one of approximately 6000 marchers in Fort Worth Texas….it was an amazing day!
    As for a question I saw above…I do think it will make a difference. Many women continue to organize. People are motivated. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!”


  2. Pingback: Know-It-All
  3. It was a small march in Geneva in Switzerland, abut 2,000 people, mainly exile Americans living in Switzerland, but it was a march and it made me so proud that even little Switzerland was amongst the crowds.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I really like the knitted pussyhats the women are wearing, because I always appreciate a good pun. 🙂


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