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Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Winter – Water

This current series, which I call The Seasons and Elements is coming to a close.  Hopefully this series will bring out our creative side with some unique perspectives and ways of looking at things.  This week the topic is Winter – Water.

Winter is the energy of the element Water, the time of rest and hibernation, when nature retreats to build up its reserves for its next cycle of seasons. This is a quieter, more reflective time of year, a time when it is easy to sleep in, stay at home, and let ourselves rest.

Water is about our ability to flow and to overcome obstacles.  To understand the attributes of water in ourselves we can think of the many ways water presents itself in Nature.

Think how our energy can resemble a mighty river or a trickling stream, the waves of the ocean, a frozen lake, a gentle rain.

The more we rest in Winter the more harvest we can expect in Late Summer. 5 Elements of Nature

You can take photos of anything that relates to the season of Winter or Water.    Have fun with this challenge. Use your imagination for this theme.  The thing is to have a lot of fun with this challenge.

Go through you photo archives and see what photos you have that fits the current week’s challenge, or better yet grab you camera and take a new photo! ENJOY and have FUN.

Current Series – The Seasons and Elements

The Next Series – Anything Goes

  • Sky
  • Isolated Subjects
  • All One Color
  • Gardens
  • Hot and/or Cold

Create a Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge (CFFC) Post

      1. Then add a link to your blog in my comment box.
      2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos and post, title your blog post “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge” or “CFFC” tag.
      3. Remember to Follow My Blog to get your weekly reminders.
      4. I usually will respond to your entry on your blog, rather than on my page.

Please check out my Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge to check out more of what this challenge is about.


If you adore challenges as much as I do, please check out WordPress’s Blog Event Listing for other challenges.

My Entry for the Week

My yard this past winter. (Pampus grass and weeping cherry tree)

Ice on a tree.

Wintertime along the Molalla River that runs through Canby Community Park.

Columbia River, Oregon.

Qi (energy) hugs,


88 replies »

  1. Pingback: Look Back |
  2. The bench is inviting. I would like to be sitting there calmly. I also would like to be at the beach watching the wind surfers. Great Photos. I love the others too.


  3. Like, “Leya” mine too. But where we live .. there has been much winter the last seasons, very mild … my pick has to be the ice tree.


  4. Hi cee, great pictures for the week challenge theme. winter in hamburg? snow? the last of which has been left for more than two or three days a long time ago. Here is my contribution for this week,


  5. Hii, I’m a beginner in photography even though I possess a deep passion for it. Capturing wildlife and antiquity are my favourites. However I bought my first dlsr two weeks back. I had clicked these shots of sunset and beach soon after I bought it. I would love to hear what all of you thinks about it.


  6. The bench by the river reminds me of the one thing we’re really missing in Seattle, despite the fact we are surrounded by water, and that’s a nice river. (Even our streams are very underwhelming.)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Seems strange fishing out winter photos in Spring, but why not. Love your bench by the river, although looks a bit close. The snow in the branches is a wonderful shot.


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Copyright notice © Cee Neuner (aka Christine R Neuner) and blog.  All content of this website is the sole property of Cee Neuner. Please contact the owner for use of any image or text from this website.