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Weekend full of emergency rooms

First off, on Saturday night (10 pm) Chis called an ambulance because I got sick with stroke like symptoms.  So the ambulance came to get me.  I was finally placed in ICU until 3 am.  So that’s when Chris could finally go home and get some rest.  She got a couple hours rest and called my sister and came back to my hospital room.  By then a stroke was basically ruled out after Catscan and MRI’s.  My blood pressure seemed to have gone way high.

Chris stayed until about 5:30 in the evening.  I told her to go home and get some sleep.  This is what she came home to.  (Chris took these photos.)

We get monthly orders.  This particular box had just arrived but and we left it on the floor knowing there wasn’t any food in it.  Our dear pugs, got hungry and eat their way through the box and got into my dried coffee beans.  They opened all three packages and Maddie, ended up eating a whole lot of coffee beans.

Both pugs seemed okay, so Chris as exhausted as she was vacuumed the house and got rid of the coffee beans which did take care of most the coffee odor in the house too.

When Chris was finally able to get some sleep, Maddie went wild, the caffeine hit her.  She was pacing wildly and when Chris tried to calm her down Maddie’s back was dripping wet with sweat.  So Chris ended up in the dog ICU.  She again didn’t get home until 2 am.  Poor Chris.

She made it back to the hospital in time so we could both talk to the doctor.  I was released around 3:00.  And then we could picked up our caffeinated Maddie.  Who is back to her normal self for the most part.

I’m off to see my doctor in a few minutes.  I’ll catch up with you all when I can.  Thanks for all your support.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


179 replies »

  1. Wow, what a night! Poor Chris! Even though Maddie ended up in doggie ICU, it was funny to imagine her pumped up with caffeine! I’m glad you did not have a stroke, and that both you and Maddie are feeling better.


  2. I’m very glad it was NOT a stroke. I just went through a huge number of tests for similar symptoms and came out with answers that were all negative. NOT a stroke, not the heart. Not neurological. It seems most likely to have been some weird form of migraine — without the headache. Or, as another doctor put it, sometimes it’s good to know what ISN’T wrong. But I never got a real answer. Only that I needed new eyeglasses and it was some form of migraine that tends to affect older people.


    • Hospital diagnosed me with high blood pressure. So they brought that down. When I saw my real doctor, she concluded that it was a Lyme Disease event as well. So she has me back on some Lymes Meds. 😀 So it really is a best case scenario. 😀 😀


  3. Oh wow! I am so glad you and the dog are both ok! What diagnosis did you get? What was it that caused your symptoms? Poor pug! Coffee beans! wow I never knew dogs would eat those! xoxo


    • Hospital said it was high blood pressure, my doctor is also assuming I had an episode of Lymes Disease too. So she is treating me for that as well. 😀


  4. The coffee box issue could have been funny had there not been so much going on. Pups are like kids they get into everything.
    Hope all goes well with your test results. Being sick and having severe issues can be alarming. Rest and relaxation are key. Wishing you good health 🙏


    • All my tests came back I’m really healthy and no major issues. It ended up being high blood pressure and a Lymes Disease event. So I’m on blood pressure meds and my doctor is giving some stuff for Lymes too. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, my, Cee. What a weekend. I pray that they have figured out what’s going on with you. That must have been frightening for both of you. And poor little Maddie. So grateful that she’s recovered. I hope Chris has been able to get some much-needed rest and that they have figured out what’s going on with you. Get well quick!


    • High blood pressure is the official diagnoses, but it is couple with a Lyme Disease event too. So it’s all tied together. 😀 So I should be back to normal pretty soon. 😀


  6. Oh heck! I hope you are making a good recovery and that Chris has caught up with some sleep! Naughty Maddie, I hope she’s back down to earth now…My Pug, Millie once ate her way through half a bag of flour while we were out, (left on the kitchen counter!) you should have seen her stomach, it was like a balloon, I was so worried, but after a good walk she was back to normal 🙄 Hope you’re ok Cee 🌼


  7. Cee–I hope you and Chris are able to get some well-deserved rest. As for Miss Maddie….who knew dogs like coffee?! Take care–all of you!


  8. Oh my goodness…it never rains but it pours. I hope you will get some answers about your health and that none of the pugs suffer any long term reactions to the caffeine.


  9. 🙂 Dear Cee,
    OMG, what a story! I hope you are feeling better and will be fine quickly!
    And I hope that both, Chris and Maddie have gotten some rest in the meanwhile 😉
    All the best to all 3 of you and a big hug to you!
    Claudia 🙂


  10. Oh, poor Chris that was a lot to deal with. I do hope your test results all turn out good, that was a pretty scary experience for both of you and then Maddie getting sick on top of it. It’s very difficult when you have dogs and someone in the family gets sick as I know from experience. You have to leave them alone way too much. They do get into things even if they are not hungry, they are bored or lonely. I have to remember to pick up the laundry rubbish bin when I go out or Cindy will get into it and I come home to torn up cat food wrappers and other mess.
    Anyway I hope that both you and Maddie are feeling better and that Chris has had a chance to get some rest.


    • Since I’m doing real well, Chris has basically slept the last two days. So we are all coming around. I still think it is harder on care-takers than the sick ones. 😀 😀 Chris just found a couple more coffee beans. It seem Maddie has hidden them all over the house. She keeps finding them. Fortunately not in any amount that should hurt her. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    • Judy, this week has definitely been an adventure and one I really don’t ever want to repeat. We figured this was all brought on my Lymes. 😀


        • My personal doctor put me on antibiotics and some lyme meds. Yes, I’m almost back up to par again. Just taking it easy for the next few days yet. 😀 😀 Chris only took one nap today, so she is getting caught up too!! 😀


  11. Sorry to hear you have been unwell. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hope your little dog is okay too.


  12. I hope all goes well for you, Cee. What a weekend! If this was in a TV show, we’d be saying it was far-fetched. Truth stranger than fiction. Take care , ALL of you.


  13. Wow! That was an eventful time for Chris! Hope you are okay and the follow-up with the doctor goes well. Who knew dogs liked the smell of coffee?


  14. I had a similar time sans the doggy mess (they were crated for the six+ hours we were gone with hubby in pain in the ER). He got to see his doc yesterday and all seems okay. Hope you turn out the same – okay and nothing major. EEEK!!


  15. I have the experience that when some emergency happens it seems that all that can go wrong does go wrong. It happened to me with my mom sometimes. Poor both of you. I’m glad you’re recovering well and I guess Chris would have some time to rest too from now on. And you will get also some rest to fully recover. I wish the best for you. You are in my prayers.


    • What a fright for both of you Cee and I can’t help but wonder whether coffee played a part in you not being well too. Here’s wishing all of you well and a speedy recovery 🤗💜🐕


      • That’s good news. My experience over the past 8 months is that test results that are normal are a relief to the patient but confuse the doctors.


          • I’m a medical puzzle also. If they get my blood pressure down with medication my pulse rate increases. If they get the pulse rate down my blood pressure increases. My explanation is that I’m part Sith. My nickname was Darth for years.


            • I’ve got a naturally low heart rate which doesn’t equate to high blood pressure or its medications. So the hospital had me one on that brings the heart rate down. Very dangerous for me. My own physician did want me taking that and gave me another medication. Us medical wonders are very hard to treat.


              • Unknown to me or my family doctor the doctor overseeing my care in the rehab unit after my fall from the ladder changed my blood pressure medication. Two months after being discharged from the rehab unit my blood pressure medication and pulse rate medication still aren’t balanced. Some days my blood pressure is down, other days my pulse rate is down.


  16. So you are none the wiser as to what that was all about? Poor Chris; worried about you and then hyper hounds and a mess! Er, gathered up, wouldn’t they still make perfectly good coffee?


  17. What a day! I hope they can figure out what is going on with your health and that Maddie has recovered. Poor Chris is right! Hope she can catch up on some sleep.


  18. Don’t be in a hurry to post challenges and photos, I’m sure everyone is more concerned with your health.


  19. I hope you make a full recovery and there are no lasting effects. Lucky you got attended to so quickly, and that there was someone on hand to take care of things and get you into hospital.


  20. Oh, not a good time! Could your problem have been anxiety? I ended up in ER one weekend for a reason they never diagnosed. My blood pressure had gone sky high too. I realized later that it was an anxiety attack, which doesn’t need a reason to strike. Hugs.


  21. Oh my goodness!!! Do they have an answer for your symptoms? That must have been terrifying for both you and Chris! And doggies? Get into to EVERYTHING, even things one doesn’t think are tempting. When the cat’s away…. I’m glad Maddie was okay. That could have been a lot worse! Take care Cee!

    Liked by 2 people

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