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Evacuation Day 8 Part 2 – Cee & Carol’s Cheerful Selfie Challenge

One thing we have not mentioned is that here in Idaho Falls, we are at nearly 4,700 feet above sea level.  This means that people coming from 300 feet above sea level like we did, our bodies have to make a lot of red blood cells fast to compensate for the thinner oxygen content in the air.   That is partly why on top of everything else Chris and I are tired.  This is just a little altitude trivia.

My niece, Cassandra and I went out for a drive by shooting at her favorite park in town.  No you won’t be seeing any of the photos until I get home.  Cassandra took the majority of the photos.  I have no way of downloading my photos from my camera.  But I did take a cell phone photo of Cassandra taking a photo out the window.  You can see my 200mm lens in the side view mirror.  Notice how dirty my car looks …. that ashes from when we left Oregon.

You notice the yellow sun reflection on the side mirror frame.  That is the sun filtered through the smokey air.

This next photo is a selfie.  I know I don’t take them, but I was able to catch Freddie laying near my neck.  My sister has these wonderful bearded iris paintings on her wall.  This is also my entry for for Carrol’s Cheerful Selfie Challenge.

Chris found on the web this last photo (I didn’t take) is of a small town just south of Salem, Oregon.  This small town, Detroit, has 400 homes and more than 250 have burned to the ground.  For those of us who are photographers, I love bike as a point of focus in the foreground and the ruins of the city in the background,

Canby’s air quality as Chris said is the lowest point it has been.  It’s suppose to start clearing out big time with a cold front with some rain moving in.   We will watch the news to and air quality websites to monitor it.  If the air clears as planned, we should be able to drive home on Friday.  If not, we’ll keep you post.

If we can leave tomorrow morning, we will leave by 6am and it takes us 12 hours or more to drive straight through, so If I’m not on line tomorrow, it means we are heading home.

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33 replies »

  1. I recall being in Tahoe when the fires were horrendous in Yosemite – the smoke travelled so far I could never quite get over it, and so combined with the altitude at 6000ft we also struggled with breathing at times!


  2. I’ve only just been catching up with your situation and your blogs, although my husband (TallulahBass) has been filling me in. I hope the rains come soon, that the fires can be put out, and clean air comes your way. I hope all your friends and neighbours are safe too. Look after yourselves, I hope the animals aren’t too traumatised either. Take care, stay safe.


    • We did get rain here the last couple of days. The air in Canby is manageable, because the fires are still burning, but the wind is keeping most of it fairly clear from where I live. Thanks to you and Ken for hanging with me on this little adventure. 😀 😀


  3. I love the first shot, it has something of a magazine shot about it, I don’t know what it is selling – but I want to buy it :), then a Cat, you and some fab paintings, what is not to like. And finally though not your own shot, what a splendid find, such a poignant shot, I cannot begin to imagine how someone would feel taking that, pleasure at the ability to be in a situation to take it, but also sadness at the situation that has enabled the shot to be created, truly natures artwork that has seen the suffering of so many to create. Take care.


    • Hi Ken, thanks so much for hanging in with me this past week or so. I love what you said about the last photo. In some ways, I wish I could been a photographer like that, but my health doesn’t dictate it. The emotions you feel in that photo. You can feel very much what he/she must have felt taking that photo.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Cee although you say that your health has dictated that you cannot become the kind of photographer taking photos such as that tricycle that so affects the emotions, it is fair to say that your photos, your blogs, and challenges all affect those of us that follow you. These have just as important part in shaping our lives as the emotions that photo produces. Take care – Ken


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