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What Type of Challenge Would you Like?

I am wanting to run another challenge on Wednesdays.  I have a few ideas.  I’d like you to give me your thoughts or recommendations.

  1.  Pick a topic from my photo.  I’ve run them before and if you click on this link, you will see how they are run.  It basically is fa challenge where you can pick a topic from the photo.  You can pick colors, or objects from the photo.  I will post the photo a week prior to the each challenge.
  2. Alphabet Challenge.  You know me, I won’t just say begins with the letter A.  Here are a few examples, I’ve used in the past.  a)  CFFC:  Letter X – X needs to be anywhere in the word or shaped like the letter X b) Letter L – Needs to have at least two syllables  c) Letter T – Needs to have two T’s anywhere in the word d) Colors that starts with the Letter B
  3.   Macros or close ups.  The only thing I was ask is please don’t give me bugs every week.
  4.  All colors.   Again as usual, I will mix up the color pallet and topic.
  5. Different challenge each week.  For example, all the above repeating each month.  On months with 5 Wednesdays, I may have a guest host.

Let me know your answers in the comment section of this post.  Thanks for responding.  Feel free to just use the numbers.

Qi (energy) hugs


61 replies »

  1. I’ve really enjoyed #1 and #2 challenges when you ran them as they allow for a great variety in creative responses. A mix as you suggest with option #5 could also be fun 💜


  2. I think a mix would be good too. I also like pick a topic from the photo and I would like macro/close up although I’m a bit limited by not having a macro lens (I want one). Whatever you decide I am sure it will be fun.


  3. I would like number 5. A different challenge for each week.
    When I started blogging I loved the weekly WordPress Challenge where they just gave you a word to interpret any way you liked. It was always interesting and allowed for a wide range of entries.
    I’m sure I’ll be inspired by whichever you choose!


  4. #1 sounds good, but then what people post would be all different. I really like it when it is specific, like a certain color, and then you see all the different ways people used that color. I would vote for #5. Use all of them different weeks.


  5. I don’t know where you find the time and energy! 🙂 🙂 I like the sound of no 1. Never seen that in operation. Or a mix. Anything you’d like to spend the time doing, in fact 🙂


  6. I like the mix idea. Like Debbie, I like doing macros but I end up with lots of flowers and bugs. Colours get repetitive very quickly unless you give a very specific shade of colour. But I do like no 1, if I couldn’t say mix but were pressed for a favourite I think that is the one.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. They all sound good, Cee. I think I’d go for the mix. Macro is appealing as I need to do more of that (but every week might be too much), and I like the alphabet idea too. Using the mix idea should keep everyone happy!

    Liked by 2 people

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