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CMMC – December Colors – Silver or Gold

Welcome to my new challenge Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge (CMMC).  The color topic is Silver or Gold There is not a topic for this just get as close t the subject as your camera lens allows. Cropping a photo is always allowed.

I hope you have a lot of fun playing in this challenge.  I look forward to seeing your entries for this weekly challenge. Most of all have fun with this challenge. Here is a link to CMMC Home page for more information.

Next Week’s Guest Host

Rita from Heart to Heart blog will be our guest host. I hope you all join along. Her topic is Pick a topic from my photo. Here is a sneak peak at Rita’s photo.

Featured Bloggers

I had a marvelous response from all of you on last week’s December Macro or close up. I want to say thank you to each of you for joining along in my challenge.  Here are the featured bloggers for this week.  Their posts really grabbed my attention. They are all worthy of a second or third look.

Upcoming topics

  • December 16 – Rita from Heart to Heart Blog – Pick a Topic
  • December Pick a Topic from my Photo
  • December Alphabet – Letter U– Needs to have the letter U anywhere in the word
  • January Close Up or Macro
  • January Color – Pink
  • January Pick a Topic from my Photo
  • January Alphabet – Letter W – Anywhere in the word

Here is my entry for the week

This Chevy was really silver and so was the fence.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi hugs,


39 replies »

  1. Silver and gold; what a great topic; for some reason the little ditty comes into my mind; “make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold” Did you ever hear it? I think it was from Girl Scouts.


  2. I’m so excited and honoured to be the host for next week’s CMMC. You have such awesome gallery today! The gold on the first one is so real. And the chandelier with it’s reflection is stunning too…


  3. I hope you meant December colour not November – or else I am way to far in the future 😉
    And the right festive colours for December they are, in any case. I love the details of that stove. I bet it was never that shiny when it was in use, though!


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