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Tips – Various Angles for Flowers

I’m going to be writing a 5 part series on Flower Photography.

I hope you enjoy this series for flowers. If you want to check out other Tips from Cee.

This tip will be more of a pictorial lesson than anything else. I hope you enjoy these photos and get an idea of what type of flower photography you like.. I am going to break this lesson into two Parts: Cropping and Different Angles.


Especially when you know you may want to crop a photo, make sure your camera is on high resolution. For those who know the difference between JPG and RAW, always shoot in RAW if you do any type of post processing. The one thing things to keep in mind as you take your photo always zoom out a little bit. Leave space round the flower. That way you will have room for cropping.

This first grouping of photos is of multiple flowers (alliums).

Original Uncropped photo.
Fippled the photo horizontal and slightly cropped the alliums so they were on the left side with green showing on the right.
Cropped to highlight the alliums.
Cropped to show just three of the alliums.

This second grouping of cropped photos are of a single flower is of single symmetrical waterlily.

Original photo, uncropped.
Centered photo.
Bottom half cropped off.
Left side cropped.
Top cropped off.

Various Angles

Side Views

From the Top

Faded or Dead

From the Ground Up

Backs or Underneath

Garden Views

Single Flowers Standing Out

Mis-shaped Flowers

Next week will be the last flower tip and I’ll discuss what makes a great floral black and white.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


44 replies »

  1. Your tips on shooting flowers are priceless,Cee! Hanging out with you on your site has been SO valuable to me, I actually get some decent photos now that I’m proud of. I want to try black n white, but so far my efforts there have not been very successful.


    • Next week, I’ll be doing a black and white tip for flowers. I’m so glad you are getting some useful tips from these posts. 😀 You touch my heart. 😀


      • I aspire to learn to do wonderful work like you do. Back in the day my late husband was my resident photographer, and he had two similar SLR cameras (Minoltas, I think) and carried his camera bag everywhere. I worked for the Sunday magazine of our daily paper then, and Bob did most of my features photos.


      • I’ll look for the B&W photo tips. I tried one of my “spent” tulips in B&W, but it didn’t look like much. Your tips are great, and your examples of various techniques speak worlds of know-how. Thanks.

        Liked by 1 person

    • RAW won’t look quite as vibrant. Will with post processing it gives you so much more data to work from. I think you will enjoy it. Contact me if you have any questions. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Cee. I know from a Lightroom course I took that it does not look so good before processing. But I am beginning to realize the higher resolution makes a big difference. I have seen this in some of the professional horse photographers whose work I really like. I appreciate your offer of some assistance should I get stuck.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for sharing these tips! I will definitely try to remember them when I’m photographing in the garden. 🙂


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