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Bloganuary: What is your favorite photo you’ve ever taken?

Finally a question/theme for photographers. But does it have to be such a hard topic. Gez, when you have taken as many photos as I have over the years and with such a wide range of topics (other than flowers of course) it is difficult to chose a favorite.

This is a favorite dahlia of mine I took many years ago. I know I’ve taken better ones as cameras gotten better. I love this one because of the purple outlines of the dahlia. It’s called Miss Margaret. She was the matron of the dahlias. She died a few years back and was a lovely lady. Her sons now run the dahlia farm.

This is another favorite photo of mine I took at the dahlia farm of a lady paint.

I’ve shown these Geraldine before. Here are two photos you should be fairly familiar with.

This last photo is a photo I took of the skies when we had the fires close to our house a year and a half ago. I took that photo out my home office door. It was a scary time, but that photo is priceless in my mind. Oh by the way, the trees in this photo were taken down by the ice storm we had this past spring.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


44 replies »

  1. The fire picture is memorable in a terrifying way. That is some picture! All the others are wonderful, but that fire — like something out of Stewart’s book titled: “FIRE.” I never finished reading fire. It was the most terrifying book I’d ever read. I can’t even imagine what you went through.


  2. Those are beautiful photos. When I’m asked to find my favorite photos, I generally narrow it down by time. Like, this is my favorite photo of the day, or these are my favorite photos of the month.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well done finding favourite photos Cee. I wouldn’t know where to start!!! I do love the story of the lady riding. Just picking a few flowers I don’t know how you could 🙂 🙂


    • I picked that one for a couple of reasons, but basically I knew Margaret a little bit and she was a fascinating lady. She’d come over if you were sitting admiring the dahlias on their picnic tables and just start talking like we were old friends. She’d tell us what her son’s were doing or changing on the farm and just chit chatted. You’d never know she was the Mother of it all. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. You have taken so many amazing photos over the years Cee. It would be impossible to pick just one but you have a great selection.
    Poor trees, survived the bushfire to be taken out by a winter storm. That is an incredible photo by the way.


  5. I love all of these! Of course the Dahlia is so cool and I like how you did that slide thing, I’m gonna have to figure out how to do that. I think my absolute favorite is the one with the woman’s hand and the flag, so cool.


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