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  1. This reminds me of when we visited the Oregon coast years ago. It was a wonderful experience for someone from a landlocked state. I hope to go back some day.


  2. I haven’t spent much time on the Oregon coast, but what I have seen is far more beautiful than the California coastline. There are exceptions, but all in all, I enjoyed the coastal drive in Oregon more than the California drive.


    • Oregon we got Douglas fir up to the ocean. We have lots of lava rock and boulders on our shoreline too. I lived in southern California when I was growing up and you are right their beaches are peaceful and beautiful….but Oregon’s are rough and wild. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Unless you are young and crazy because you’ve never seen the Pacific Ocean, it’s better to stick no more than your toes into the water, and then only in the summer. These are fabulous pictures. The ocean looks so untamed. Can you imagine being a beach ball?


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