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Seeing Double and Double Dipping – Lens-Artists & WWE Challenges

Here is my entry for guest host Jez from Photos by Jez blog, of the Lens-Artists Photo A Week Challenge with the topic of Seeing Double. This is also my entry for Jez’s WWE Challenge. I am so glad that Jez is a guest host for the Lens-Artist group, he is a super cool guy.

The Willamette River separates Canby from south Portland. I took this photo on from Canby looking across the river.
Two cormorants and reflection on water.
Two ducks with trees reflecting on the water,
Two ducks double dipping for food.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


48 replies »

  1. I can always count on you, Cee. I was looking for some inspiration for LAPC this week. Here it is. Duck ends. So funny!


  2. Superb shots for both challenges, Cee 👏 Like everyone else, love the duck butts, but the winner for me is the view across the Willamette River, such a tranquil scene 😀 Thanks as well for the awesome comment 😊


  3. I love reflections on still water, Cee. Have you ever tried to paint water? There’s no such thing as “clear.” It’s always reflecting the colors around it. And in amazing ways. 🙂


    • I’ve never really painted or drawn. Something I’m interested in though. Just don’t have the patience with myself. I did take a class of Bob Ross style painting and enjoyed that. Thanks for commenting 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The shacks on the water’s edge are so peaceful. But those tail feathers pointing up are a testament to timing and patience.


    • The timing was easy. We were feeding the ducks seeds and they dive for them. But then I guess we had to watch someone else do it to create the scene LOL 😀 😀


  5. I always love pictures of water birds, bottom up, seeking food. Ducks are the funniest. Swans don’t usually have to dive — they have those long necks. I have to find my pictures of sleeping swans. They tuck that whole long neck and head under a wing and they look like a floating blanket — but feathered. I must have those pictures SOMEWHERE.


  6. Dipping ducks are always a winner, even more so when you see an entire group bobbing up and down. I especially like the ducks with the trees reflections.


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