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CFFC: Walk 50 steps or less and take a new photo(s)

This week our topic is celebrating Walk 50 steps or less and take a new photo(s). Have fun.

Smoky sunrise last Sunday

Current Challenge Series – Assorted Fun

Next Challenge Series – Keeping it Simple

  • Circles and Curves
  • Birds
  • Smooth
  • Texture
  • Clouds

Please check out my Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge to check out more of what this challenge is about.

Tips from Cee

I have recently started a Tips from Cee’s page, you many want to check it out every once in awhile.  You may pick up an idea or two for your own photography.

My entry for this week

Chris has always adored the “skunk” truck. First truck we’ve seen in years.
Hens and chick on our back patio.
Last of the sunflowers on our back patio.
Small maple and leaves in our back yard.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


73 replies »

  1. Like you, Cee, I can get a LOT of great images within 50 feet of home! Here is my Wordless Wednesday post today:
    The last image is of the area a few hundred yards from my dad’s house. The whole area suffered from the Mosquito Fire in Michigan Bluff/Foresthill. Dad and Step-Mom are safe but it’s unlikely their house was spared. We are getting rained on right now which should help clear out the smoke we are getting from Idaho and Western WA. Have a great day and thanks for hosting!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your “back porch” flowers and that skunk truck is very cool 😀 All the baby birds have come to chow down on our deck. And think that was the final “nesting” for this summer. I noticed that today, most of the goldfinch were turning back to dull yellow or olive green. The know the seasons and they don’t need a calendar.

    It rained all last night hard enough to make the trees shake. I think our drought is finally over!


    • The truck is just fun. When we camped every weekend in Colorado we got so used to seeing semi-trucks on the freeway. The skunk truck was one of our favorites. Long story, but they went bankrupt several years ago. And now his son restarted the company and updated their logo. 😀 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Looks like a fun challenge that I can link to tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday, Cee. Plenty of smoke-filled images that I have taken and just took today as you will see! Stay safe and well away from this terrible smoke. We get rain tomorrow and hopefully will clear out our skies.


  4. Love the sky. I’m not joining in this week although it is a great topic. WordPress won’t let me add more photos to my blog. I do have quite a few flowers in draft so I will still be posting those on FOTD.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They were really popular about 15 years or so. Went bankrupt and now they are back. They were always easy to spot when driving on the freeways. I think that is why we liked them so much.

      Liked by 2 people

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