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April 3 – Share Your World

This is my entry for Di at Pensitivity101 hosts Share Your World and here is my response for the week.

1.   Do you have a favourite movie? I have a few favorites, American President, Apollo 13, Music of the Heart, Volcano, Mary Poppins, Adams Rib.

2.  Who is you favourite actor and actress? Katharine Hepburn, she was brilliant, talented and funny too.

3.   Do you attend or have you ever attended a live theatre production? Yes, I saw Joseph and the Technicolor Raincoat when I lived in Denver. It was a fun show. I was able to meet and hang around with the lead female (narrator) role and several of the cast members.

4.   Have you ever wanted to be an actor/actress? Not really. Although since I grew up in an abusive household, I always figured I deserved an Oscar for my performance outside the home.


I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


15 replies »

  1. It is surprising how good a person can get at acting ok through a very difficult situation. Sorry you dealt with that growing up.


  2. I’m hearing that Oscar nomination, Cee. And sadly there are plenty of kids still living that role.
    What a fabulous opportunity with Joseph’s lead.


  3. Thanks for joining in Cee. Gotta love Phyllis……….. I remember her on the Muppet Show and she was hysterical. Hope you and Chris have a great week.


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