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Found In Kitchen – Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

Here is my entry for guest host Ritva from Ritva Sillanmäki Photography Blog of Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

For the Love of Challenges

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my list

Qi (energy) hugs


34 replies »

  1. Ah, what a delicious looking bread! Good to try it once as it was one of the best. The stove is so beautiful – I think this must be the only stove ever that I have called that…


  2. I love these photos Cee. I am with the bread crowd and was amazed when you said it came from NY!!! The stove is a classic. A great gallery 🙂 🙂


  3. Great finds from your kitchen, the stove, I like it. We had one similar to that in our summer house when we bought it, but we we were stupid and gave it away back then, now I regret it…but that’s life


  4. Great variety of kitchen snaps. I love the old cooker at the end, if that’s what it is. Reminds me of a rental I had!


    • It was good bread 😀 😀 We actually ordered from New York City and had it delivered. It is supposed some of the best bread in the country. It was. But not worth the price. It was fun once though 😀


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