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I’m Truly Humbled – Three Awards

I have been granted three awards….how fabulistic (yes that is a new word) is that, but I doubt if it is original by me.

field-of-flowers-award The first award is the Field of Flowers Award, I was granted it by Dralimanonlife.

“I started this blog as a place to inflict my “life musings” on the world at large, but I quickly ran out of those. It now contains a mix of musings, flash fiction, largely rubbish poems, humour, photos, doodles (“DraliDoodles”!) and even a cartoon or two!” (Dramonlife)

the-lighthouse-awardMy second award is The Lighthouse Award and Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters granted this one to me way back in early January.

“I am one of the lucky ones. I live where the colours are bright and vibrant. The blue of the sky has clarity, the rivers and oceans crystalline, the wheat in the fields golden and the grass a verdant green.” (Irene A Waters)

20140124-184621My third award is the Inner Peace Award and that has been granted to me by two wonderful bloggersbloggers.

Jottings and Writings “About Me – Huh??? What can I tell you about me… I’m really a pretty simple person and yet multi-faceted. I have a serious, analytical side and yet (or so I like to tell myself) a creative side — That remains to be seen.”

— Khanas Web “Seeking Truth, Sharing Light, Staying Free. Artist – Photographer – Author – Poet. Native to London, currently residing in Haifa.”

I would like to them all of these wonderful bloggers from the bottom of my heart.  I am honored and humbled to receive these awards. If you have not checked out these bloggers, please do so.  They are all wonderful and so very diverse from each other.

Now for the rules and FU stuff for each award.

field-of-flowers-awardField of Flowers Award


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you
  • Place the award on your blog
  • Nominate 7 other bloggers and write a little something about why you would give these bloggers “A Field Of Flowers
  • Let your nominees know that you nominated them

Here are my 7 nominees.

  1. 61 Musings – Chris has introduced all of us to the world on introverts.  I know it has answered a lot of mysteries about myself.  She is also my wife and life partner.  We’ve been together for over 25 years.
  2. Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters –  Her writing is always enjoyable and I adore that she joins in all my challenges.  I’ve learned to appreciate her very much.
  3. Vastly Courious – Awesome photographer and always to very nice.  She is a great commenter too.
  4. Jubilee Journey – She is always so full of energy and spunk, it is contagious.
  5. MARGARET ROSE STRINGER – Witting and ever so clever.  She is just adorable.
  6. Imexcited – follows all the challenges like I do and has a lot of fun doing it.
  7. Serendipity – If you want fun, this is such a great blog.  Plus she is a great photographer.

20140124-184621Inner Peace Award


  • Display the logo on a post.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and link to his/her site.
  • State seven things about you.
  • Nominate fourteen other bloggers & inform them via a comment on their blog.

Here are the 7 Things About Me

  1. I’m a math geek and do bookkeeping for fun.
  2. I broke my left foot in my twenties by falling on ice.
  3. I still like to color.
  4. I would love to live on a small island off the coast of Oregon or Washington.
  5. I used to be an expert at cross-stitch.
  6. I was almost hired by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) when I was 21.  Wild story here.
  7. I had a teddy bear named Sydney for years …. as an adult.

Here are my nominees

  2. 4otomo
  3. @Vanilla
  5. A New Day
  6. A New Day Dawns
  7. Across the Bored
  9.  beeblu blog
  10. Beijing Daily Photo 2
  11. Chasquita
  12. Colonialist’s Blog
  13. The Wandering Poet
  14. Day One

the-lighthouse-awardThe Lighthouse Award


  1. Display the Award certificate on your blog.
  2. Write a post and link back to the blogger that nominated you.
  3. Inform your nominees of their award nominations
  4. Share three ways that you like to help other people.
  5. There is no limit to the number of people that you can nominate.
  6.  HAVE FUN!!!

I like that one of the rules is to have FUN.  That seems to be my motto.

Three ways that I like to help people.  

My blog for one, I really hope people have fun and enjoy participating in my challenges.

I like to teach (for free at this point in my life) energy medicine and self-healing techniques.

In the past I did a lot of volunteer work, I don’t so much now since I’ve been sick.  But I really try to reach out to everyone I know or meet and hopefully put a smile on their face.  An extra smile can go a long way.

I really hope you have the time to participate in your nomination.  Although since we all have our lives outside of our blogs, I totally understand if you can’t or don’t want to participate.

Qi (energy) hugs,


Check our new Three’s Cooking blog, learning to cook from the heart, for the soul efforts of Chris, Sobha and me.  Chris Donner also writes the popular blog, 61 Musings.   If you ever want electronic copies of my photographs, please contact me.  Sites where I have my photography for sale.

37 replies »

  1. Firstly, congratulations on your awards 🙂 well deserved 🙂
    Secondly, thank you for the nominations, indeed an honour, truly humbled to be included in your list of exciting blogs. Unfortunately, time at the moment is limited, so I am not sure I will be able to fulfil all the requirements of receiving this award, and sadly, humbly request that you consider someone else deserving who is in a position to ensure that these awards endure. Being nominated and not following through just deprives someone else of a wonderful opportunity to be recognised. Thanks again..:-)


  2. Congratulations on all your awards – you most certainly deserve them and more! Thank you also for nominating me – I get “working” on that now!


  3. Wow, congratulations Cee. It never rains but it pours lol. Thank you for accepting & also for providing us with so much inspiration 🙂


  4. Congratulations!
    I am honoured and touched by your nomination.
    With the number of years I have been blogging, and influenced in part by the accumulation of things I have on my sidebar, I have taken the reluctant decision to confine myself to awards that involve a competition or vote. Thanks, nevertheless!


  5. Congratulations! I have just begun following your blog and am enjoying it tremendously. I am not a photographer but I have a great deal of time on my hands so I just follow along… You are very talented.


  6. Congratulations on all your awards. You well and truly deserve them all. Not only do you have a great blog but you also run all those fun challengers that we love to do and then you visit everyone and comment. I am in awe of you. Thank you also for the Field of Flowers award. I love flowers and appreciate that you enjoy my blog sufficiently that those flowers will now brighten my home up permanently. Thank you.


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