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ABFriday One Photo Focus – Initial Photo by Emilio Pasquale

ABFriday is starting One Photo Focus once a month.  This month the photo comes from Emilio Pasquale over at Photos by Emilio.  Here is his initial photo.  It look like a hot I could have taken since I adore vintage and crusty old vehicles.


Here are a few steps that I took to make this image look more like my own.

  1. Cropped it just a little bit.
  2. Took out all color except for yellow and orange.  I like that it kept all the rust in the photo.
  3. Then turned the remain yellow to orange.
  4. The painted a bright yellow over the orange truck to make it a much brighter color.

I hope you ENJOY my final version.

010315after Before

Qi (energy) hugs


45 replies »

  1. That’s my original shot? I like what you did with it. love the colors, the brightness of that first truck against the muted colors of the rest. Thanks, Cee.


  2. Love how you made the rust stand out, Cee – never would have thought of that. And the selective color of the front truck, painting over it to make it brighter – great effect! It’s interesting that you, once again, cropped the photo (as you did with Karen’s in the first group challenge). You weren’t alone this time 😉


    • I usually crop photos. I am not a landscape person….or wide angle at all LOL.
      When I took out all but orange and yellow I was pleased to see how much rust showed up. I thought it made the photo. That was unintended and worked well. 🙂 Thanks Stacy. You do a wonderful job on this challenge.


  3. This was a very fun project Cee and I like way you have edited Emilio’s photo.
    Love the way you desaturated and kept selective colours only.
    Very nice result 🙂


  4. You really brightened up those colors! I love how you drew my eye to the front yellow while fading away the ones farther back. Good job of editing as always!



  5. The orange tone to the ground is a bit startling but I love the effect it had on the trucks, picking out some and not others – really original and that was the point in the end 🙂


  6. Thanks, Cee! I love old trucks, too and that’s a great photo. I like your adjustments, too; the grille colours suddenly just perked right up! Have a great New Year! ~ Linne


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