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Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Sense of Hearing


Vintage Music Box

This is our forth week of a new series that I am calling a Habits and the 5 Senses.

This week’s topic is the colors of the sense of hearing.    You can be simple like I did this week and used instruments.  You can also get radical and show someone blasting apart a sidewalk with a jackhammer or the soothing sound of the ocean waves.  This week you can post anything that stimulates or delights you when you hear it.   Be creative and have fun. Feel free to dig around in your archives for photos if you don’t have anything new you can photograph.   Most of all I hope you have fun.

Featured Bloggers

022414-feature-bannerI had a marvelous response from all of you on last week’s color are Sense of Touch.  I want to say thank you to each of you.  Here are the featured bloggers for this week.  Their posts really grabbed my attention. They are all worthy of a second or third look.

GWH Photos


Shannon’s Creative Work


The Momhood

Julie’s Photoblog

Simply Beautiful…



Current Series –  Habits and our 5 Senses

The Next Series – All About Man Made Things

  • Anything Man Made
  • Graffiti & Murals
  • Hats
  • Telephones – new, cell, vintage, etc.
  • Anything Painted – from a bird feeder to peeling paint

Most weeks I will come up with a topic. Feel free to write me with things you want to learn about. Go through you photo archives and see what photos you have that fits the current week’s challenge, or better yet grab you camera and take a new photo! ENJOY and have FUN.

Create a Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge Post

      1. Then add a link to your blog in my comment box.
      2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos and post, title your blog post “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge” tag.
      3. Remember to Follow My Blog to get your weekly reminders.
      4. I usually will respond to your entry on your blog, rather than on my page.

Please check out my Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge to check out more of what this challenge is about. cees-fun-foto If you adore challenges as much as I do, please check out WordPress’s Blog Event Listing for other challenges.

My Entry for the Week


This is actually Charango guitar. It is an Incan instrument. Read more about it here




I adore the sound of Ocean waves and seagulls.

I adore the sound of ocean waves and seagulls.

Qi (energy) hugs,


106 replies »

  1. Lovely photos of hearing, Cee! I love your ocean especially. Thank you for featuring my pictures of last week. It’s an honour to me 🙂


    • I did too. But then I realized after I put up my entry. Traffic has noise, people talking has noise, pets, birds, wind. It is all around us. It was kind of a dah moment for me.

      Liked by 1 person

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Copyright notice © Cee Neuner (aka Christine R Neuner) and blog.  All content of this website is the sole property of Cee Neuner. Please contact the owner for use of any image or text from this website.