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Cee’s Compose Yourself Challenge: Week #2 What All Well-Composed Photos have in Common

banner-compose-yourself-challengeCee’s Compose Yourself Photo Challenge (CCY) will be a combination weekly “tips and tricks” combined with a photo challenge.  

To find out who was awarded the Gold Star Award and Features for this week, please see  CCY Week 1 – Awards and Features.

To find out more how to enter this challenge check CCY Home page.


All well-composed photos have a main subject that is instantly recognizable.  Sometimes we think we have captured our subject but there is so much “noise” in picture that it’s cluttered and distracting.

In this picture I wanted to take a candid picture but there were too many people, and the photo just looks chaotic.

092115Comp No focus on candid

Here’s another picture from the same day.  I tried to limit the number of people in the photo. I wanted to find just a couple of people to give me a true subject.  I left a few people off to the edge of the photo to give the ides of the activity, but not enough to lose the subject of the father and son fishing together.

092115Comp more focus on candid

Look at your picture.  Where does your eye get drawn to?  In upcoming challenges we will talk about how to force your viewers eye to where you want it to go.

You also want your subject to tell some kind of story that will evoke emotion from your viewers.  The most powerful photos cause your viewers to feel emotion; sadness, happiness, beauty, the “ah” factor.  Leave an impact.

Your Turn

Show us a couple examples of your work where you have a strong, easily identifiable subject.

Extra credit for Gold Star Award

Find examples of your work that illustrate these three emotions:  something that is beautiful or inspiring, something that makes you laugh, and another that makes you feel sad or melancholy.

Current Series – Basic Photo Composition

The Next Series – All About Lines

  • Week #5 Leading Lines
  • Week #6 Horizontal Lines
  • Week #7 Vertical Lines
  • Week #8 Diagonal Lines

My Entry for the Week


053014 tip and trick (12)

020414 nature (3)

My Extra-Credit Photos

Beautiful and Inspiring


Makes me feel like laughing


Makes me feel sad or melancholy


Qi (energy) hugs


45 replies »

  1. The picture with the man on the beach is a sad but brilliant photo. This is art in motion because it speaks to our hearts and conjures up some kind of meaning to the person experiencing the impact. We as humans have all been at this point in our life where we have to reason with or sort through things that are causing us strife. This man could have been me a few weeks ago, sitting on the beach wondering where my life was going or how i was to handle a situation that has recently plagued me. I feel like the purpose of photographic art is to reach in to our soul and pull out the very essence of what makes us people. Emotion. Great picture and thank you for touching my heart. Austin


  2. Your pictures are always focused and the subject is obvious, as it should be. I love your work, have I mentioned that? And my favorite is the first shot of the family. It’s a whole story in a picture.


  3. Great tips, in more recent months I’ve become an aspiring photographer and have tried hard on my travels to capture great images


  4. The photo of that llama/alpaca critter did its job and made me laugh! What funny creatures they are! You’ve pointed out one of the things about photography that I find the most challenging: limiting all the distractions that make the eye bounce all over the place. It’s hard around here with all the trees and branches, cars, signs, light poles, etc. I look forward to getting out to practice for this challenge!


  5. Such fantastic advice, Cee! Sometimes in the rush of the moment (especially when photographing people on the move), I tend to lose sight of everything else that’s in the frame – and in so doing, the photo loses its focus. Your tip goes hand in hand with not shooting the first scene you “see”; as you did here, moving around to get a better composition can make or break an image.

    I just love that you’re doing these challenges. I do hope to take part at some point, once my traveling schedule slows down a bit. In the meantime, I’m enjoying your tutorials!

    Liked by 1 person

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