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Cee’s Weekly Wrap Up – November 1, 2015 and WPC: Treat

Share Your World Day treats. Two new books full of questions, coffee and a cookie.

Share Your World Day treats. Two new books full of questions, coffee and a cookie.  This would have been good if I used on one CFFC Telephones and Computers challenge.

I am taking a week off from blogging.  So all my challenges that are currently running will be extended for a week.

Challenges will return with Odd Balls on Sunday November 8.  Please feel free to participate in any of my open challenges which are listed below.

I am hoping you all are having a great weekend!  There is still have plenty of time get your entries into all my challenges for this week.  I’m sure the bloggers who I featured would appreciate your comments too.

Here is another take on this week’s The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Treat.

Sunday – Odd Ball Photo Challenge:  2015 Week #43

You still have until tomorrow to join in on this week’s COB challenge.  There is never a theme to COB challenge.  Odd Ball’s are those great photos that you take which really don’t seem to fit into a common category.

Featured Bloggers 

Monday – Share Your World 2015 Week #43

See how everyone answered this week’s questions.

  1. If you were on a debate team, what general subject would you relish debating?
  2. What’s your strongest sense?
  3. What would you name the autobiography of your life?
  4. List your favorite flavors or types of tea.

Tuesday – Fun Foto Challenge:  Phones and Computers

There are still a couple days to get your entries in for the CCFC topic.

Featured Bloggers

Next Tuesday’s topic will be Anything Painted.

Wednesday – CCY: Week 4 Gold Star Award and Features


This week’s Gold Star Award is granted to Dennis from A Trivial Mind At Work blog.  Dennis is a wonderful photographer and I have enjoyed his blog for quite a while now.  Here is what he said about this beautiful zinnia flower photo.  This odd zinnia drew me to take many pictures! It had so much going just in and of itself that I wanted very little in the background. I used a few leaves in the corner to give a sense of a flower in the garden but left nothing else to draw away focus.


The week’s CCY Theme is Week 5:  Leading Lines and you have until Tuesday to get your entries in.

Here is a list of upcoming topics.

  • Week #6 Horizontal Lines (getting a straight horizon)
  • Week #7 Vertical Lines
  • Week #8 Diagonal Lines
  • Week #9 Right or Left 1/3 of your photo frame
  • Week #10 Top or Bottom 1/3 of your photo frame
  • Week #11 Using 1/9 to 2/9 of your photo frame
  • Week #12 Using 2/3 of your photo frame
  • Week #13 Critique My Work

Thursday – Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Indoor Hallways, Walkways, Elevators

There are still a few days to get your entries in for the CB&K topic.

Featured Bloggers

Next week’s theme will have a new post for with the topic Patterns.


More Treat photos for Weekly Photo Challenge. I hope you enjoy.

Dessert Chris ordered once at one of our favorite restaurants.

Dessert Chris ordered once at one of our favorite restaurants.

Little girl enjoying her treat.

Little girl enjoying her treat.

Fresh corn is always a treat.

Fresh corn is always a treat.

Qi (energy) hugs


14 replies »

  1. Thanks for taking time to “like” my blog, Cee. I always enjoy visiting yours, too. I appreciate our blogosphere connection.


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Copyright notice © Cee Neuner (aka Christine R Neuner) and blog.  All content of this website is the sole property of Cee Neuner. Please contact the owner for use of any image or text from this website.