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Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Bridges


St. John’s Bridge on a very foggy morning, Portland, Oregon

This current series is all about how we go from place to place or for those who remember my Which Way Challenge this is a mini series of which ways.

This week’s topic is Bridges.  Bridges come in all shapes and sizes.  It can be a small bridge just long enough to cross a small stream or creek to bridge that spans for miles.  Your bridge can be one of beauty and geometry to just a couple of wooden planks to cross your bridge.  As long as your bridge was meant for people to cross it, you can display it here.  Just have fun with this challenge. Use your imagination if you want for this theme.  The thing is to have a lot of fun with this challenge.

Feel free to dig around in your archives for photos if you don’t have anything new you can photograph.

Featured Bloggers

022414-feature-bannerI had a marvelous response from all of you on last week’s Walks – Indoor or Outdoor challenge.  I want to say thank you to each of you for participating in this challenge.  Here are the featured bloggers for this week.  Their posts really grabbed my attention. They are all worthy of a second or third look.

Nancy Merrill Photography


This is Another Story

A Trivial Mind at Work


Third Time Lucky

My Journey

Reflections and Nightmares -Irene A Waters

Image & Word

Musin’ with Susan

Current Series  

  • Walks – Indoor or Outdoor
  • Bridges
  • Signs – traffic, directional, signs along the roads or on buildings
  • Tracks – trains, rail tracks anything to do with tracks
  • Stairs, Steps, Ladders

The Next Series

  • Smiles
  • Legs and Feet
  • Hands
  • Feathers
  • Eyes

Feel free to write me with things you want to learn about. Go through you photo archives and see what photos you have that fits the current week’s challenge, or better yet grab you camera and take a new photo! ENJOY and have FUN.

Create a Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge (CFFC) Post

      1. Then add a link to your blog in my comment box.
      2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos and post, title your blog post “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge” or “CFFC” tag.
      3. Remember to Follow My Blog to get your weekly reminders.
      4. I usually will respond to your entry on your blog, rather than on my page.

Please check out my Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge to check out more of what this challenge is about.

CFFC Badge

Save the badge to your computer and upload from there.


If you adore challenges as much as I do, please check out WordPress’s Blog Event Listing for other challenges.

My Entry for the Week


County Bridge, near Siletz, Oregon.


Coos Bay Bridge, Oregon.


Astoria Megler Bridge from Washington State look to Astoria, Oregon.


Astoria Megler Bridge going down the Oregon side.


Some taking advantage of a nature made bridge, McDowell Park, Lane County, Oregon.

Qi (energy) hugs,


126 replies »

  1. Amazing images …. the Astoria bridge my favorite – when I look at it … I get the roller-coaster feeling. Excellent images.


  2. Love all those shots through the bridges. I have never been on a bridge that slopes down like the one you feature. It looks terrifying to me but it is probably the wonderful angle you have taken it at. Fantastic. Thanks for the feature also.


    • For bridges I get lucky. My Sony doesn’t take good shots through the windshield. Although my new Nikon does, so I might be able to get some again.


  3. Oregon certainly has some impressive bridges. I love the Coos Bay Bridge shot – but they are all marvelous. The log bridge looks fun 😀


  4. I wonder what people who don’t live near water do about bridge photographs? We have so many waterways around here … there are bridges and over passes everywhere you look. I remember when we were in Arizona, thinking how few bridges — other than highway overpasses — you saw. And I remember my friend Ben, when he was here, commenting that he had seen more water in two days here than he had in the past 30 years in Arizona. We take this stuff so much for granted. One of the great things about photography is that it makes us stop and think about the things we see everyday and realize that they are special.


  5. Cee, wonderful bridges from your side and thxs for featuring my one. Hugs Joe


  6. Love the Coos Bay Bridge pic best – together the uprights look like a giant guard of honour! 🙂


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