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PPAC: Photographing Public Art Challenge #2

Public art is encompasses any form of art you see in a public place, large or small, statues, murals, graffiti, gardens, parks, etc. The art should be visible from streets, sidewalks or outdoor public places.

Featured Bloggers

Marsha, the other co-host, had a marvelous response from all of you on last week’s PPAC #1. I want to say thank you to each of you for joining along in our challenge.  Here are the featured bloggers for this week.  Their posts really grabbed my attention. They are all worthy of a second or third look.

Please check out my PPAC (Photographing Public Art Challenge) to check out more of what this challenge is about.

  • Seasonal Displays
  • Graffiti or Murals, Wall Art
  • Statues and Sculptures
  • Store Windows
  • Car Shows
  • Artistic Construction (Bridge, benches and buildings)

Marsha will be hosting next week’s challenge.

Tips from Cee

I have recently started a Tips from Cee’s page, you many want to check it out every once in awhile.  You may pick up an idea or two for your own photography.

My entry for this week

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


98 replies »

  1. I love that opening photo of the dancing children, but those wood carvings are spectacular works of art. I am excited about this challenge and will keep my eyes open looking for artistic opportunities to share.
    My contribution will be posted in this week’s #CellpicSunday challenge. I will link to this page from there when it publishes.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. These are some really nice examples of public art. The dancing children statue is lovely and so is the mural. I often feel like little towns in Oregon are a lot like little towns in Tasmania.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: PPAC: #2 – tbl
  4. The artist of the statue of the children is also very popular in California. A great X in your photo. Came here for FOTD but the X distracted me:) Oh well, see you next week then! Have fun with the camera this weekend:) Jeshie

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I had to smile at the Oregonian deliverer. The dancers have more energy than I do right now, but I think I could dance with the flamingo. 😀 great start today!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s in the middle of an intersection in a small town. It’s real hard to not get wires in it. Maybe if I was sitting on top of a truck to get higher I’d get a better photo LOL

      Liked by 1 person

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