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When your body surrenders … – Happiness Project Challenge

Here is my entry for Algeria from the Life with Alegria Happiness Project Challenge.

As some of you know, as an adult I have had a lot of physical issues, especially the last 4 or 5 years. I’m happy to say that my body is beginning to feel and work so much better. Walking is starting to be a reality for me, again. Getting outdoors and being in nature is possible. I’ve not felt that for three years.

One thing that always takes me back to feeling more positive and joyful, especially when combined with being outdoors, is moving my body. It’s very magical and always helps my attitude.

This photo was taken many years ago at my first qigong retreat. I was just starting to recover from Lymes Disease. These two women were practicing a fan dance. I learned many of the moves, while seated.

For the Love of Challenges

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my list

Qi (energy) hugs


35 replies »

  1. How lovely to hear that you are able to get outside again! That has put a big smile on my face. It was hard to imagine you inside, having so much love for nature, and must have been very difficult despite your positive approach. I hope Chris is continuing to improve too.


    • It’s nice. I’m really enjoying being out in my yard again. Chris has some ups and downs in her recovery which is expected. She feels real good, the over does it. Then has to rest and take it easy. Overall I give her an A+++ for how she is progressing and recovering. She a champion healer. 😀 Thanks for your comment. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Cee I absolutely love this! The quote too is perfect. I’d never heard it, but it was close to the affirmation in my happiness prompt. Thank you for being such a light in the Happiness Community. 💕🌸


  3. I was beginning to feel MUCH better just about when I came down with COVID. Now I’m getting better, but not as fast as I would like. Still, it IS better. I’m feeling better than I have since the heart surgery in 2015. I don’t know about you, but I’d also appreciate an injection of youth too. Maybe 10 years off the current age? Wouldn’t that be loverly?

    I’m glad you are finally beginning to feel better. You had a really long recovery from COVID. Mine has been too long, but yours was a LOT longer and I’m glad you are able to move better. I’m moving better too and keep being surprised that I actually can stand up without pushing myself out of the chair and walk up six step without needing to stop and rest in the middle. It has been a VERY long time!


    • I’m a tall person (especially legs). We are also getting furniture that fits my height so getting up/down won’t be as hard. Good things are happening here 😀 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m glad good things are happening. Good things are happening here too, but they are medical — but good — and everything is just taking a long time. We replaced our old, low to the ground toilets with ones you can stand up without a hoist — now THAT was an improvement! Garry’s is going for a second cochlear implant because he needs to hear out of TWO ears — and I still need those teeth. I think I’m just about ready to do it finally. It’s so funny that it’s happening when I’m 76.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I cannot believe how you were able to maintain a positive attitude, with all your physical challenges, the past three years. But you hung in there, until you were able to restore your sense of balance. So, so happy for you!


  5. I’m so glad to hear that you are recovering and you are able to walk again and enjoy nature! You gotta keep exploring more flowers for us. 😉
    Physical pain is tough to deal with and it affects your mind and soul. Hoping you continued recovery and improved health.


    • I’m so looking forward to this year. I’ve have such a long way to recover my body, but it keeps improving and I’m getting stronger. I’m actually looking forward to the late summer dahlias. 😀 😀 Thanks.


  6. Cee–this is such great news. I hope your body continues to recover and that you continue to feel better and better. 😘


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