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Cee’s Weekly Wrap May 28, 2016 and Travel Theme: Neutral

052816neutral_1I am hoping you all are having a great weekend!  There is still have plenty of time get your entries into all my challenges for this week.  I’m sure the bloggers who I featured would appreciate your comments too.

Here is my entry for this week’s Travel Theme Challenge with the topic of Neutral.  ENJOY. Have a great weekend everyone.

Sunday – Odd Ball Photo Challenge:  2016 Week #21

You still have until tomorrow to join in on this week’s COB challenge.  There is never a theme to COB challenge.  Odd Ball’s are those great photos that you take which really don’t seem to fit into a common category.

Featured Bloggers 


Danny’s Photographs

Gwyncurbygodwin’s Blog

David Oakes -Images

Blogging from the Mas

Wild Daffodil


Monday – Share Your World 2016 Week #21

See how everyone answered this week’s questions.

  1. What is your favorite go to beverage?  Water, coffee, tea, coke, soda (non-alcoholic)
  2. Can you change a car tire?
  3. Are you a listener or talker?
  4. Would you rather have no internet or no cell phone?

Tuesday – Fun Foto Challenge:  Architecture

There are still a couple days to get your entries in for the CCFC topic.

Featured Bloggers

Next Tuesday’s topic will be All about Cities (Skylines to Street Photography).

Wednesday – Cee’s Compose Yourself Challenge – #22 Guide the Viewer and Flipping Photos.  This challenge will run through  Tuesday, June 22, 2016.

CCY Gold Star Award Winners: #21 Landscapes

This week’s Gold Star Award is granted the following bloggers:

The lesson #23 Black and White Photography will starts the 4th Wednesday of June.

Thursday – Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge:  Open Topic

There are still a few days to get your entries in for the CB&K topic.

Featured Bloggers

Next week’s theme will have a new post for with the topic is Steps:  Indoors or Outdoors.


Here is my entry for this week’s Travel Theme Challenge with the topic of Neutral.  I took these photos on various beaches in Oregon.




Qi (energy) hugs


24 replies »

  1. your middle shot is super cool! the textures and tones of the wood rings…i love it


  2. Thanks again. You’ve been a big encouragement for me to recover my black & white skills. It turns out it’s NOT just like getting back on a bicycle. Well, yes, maybe it is, if it includes falling over and skinning both elbows and a knee 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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