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CFFC – Fun Photo

Welcome to the home page of Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge (CFFC).  I hope you have a lot of fun.  I look forward to seeing your entries for this weekly challenge.

I know there are a lot of various challenges for bloggers and I’m hoping that this one you will have some fun with as well as maybe learn a trick or two.

One way I learned about photography is by appreciating other people’s work and getting a chance to see through someone else’s eye for a brief moment in time.  Challenges are a great way to see other people’s photography and sharpen my own photographic skills at the same time.

I am a self-trained and taught photographer.  I love pictures, photos of any kind.  I feel that the best way to learn photography is to always have a camera with you.  One exercise that has always helped me is just sit in one place for 15 minutes.  You can be sitting at your computer or you can go to your favorite place on earth.  Then take as many photos of things you can see.  Change your angle.  If your camera has zoom capabilities zoom in and out.  See what type of photos appeal to you.  Once you find what appeals to you, then practice.  The main thing is to always have fun.  If taking the perfect photo seems intimidating, stop and give yourself a break.  Put your camera away and try again later.  The main object is to have FUN.

Tips from Cee

I have recently started a Tips from Cee’s page, you many want to check it out every once in awhile.  You may pick up an idea or two for your own photography.

How Does It Work?

Each week I will have a specific theme.  This weekly photo challenge runs from Tuesday through Monday.

To give you a heads up on what challenges are coming in the next few week, I’ll try and keep ahead a list topics for you.  You can always check back on this page or on the current challenge week’s page to see what challenges are coming up.

Go through your photo archives and see what photos you have that fits the current week’s challenge, or better yet grab your camera and take a new photo!

ENJOY and have FUN.

Create a CFFC Post

  1. Then add a link to your blog in my comment box.
  2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos and post, title your blog post “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge” or “CFFC” tag.
  3. Remember to Follow My Blog to get your weekly reminders.

I usually will respond to your entry on your blog, rather than on my page.


Still have questions? Please contact me.

For the Love of Challenges

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Here are links to the past weeks and upcoming topics:

Qi (energy) hugs


1,068 replies »

  1. Pingback: jennsmidlifecrisis
  2. Hi Cee… having all manner of trouble posting this photo piece I did. It’s not as if I haven’t been posting to your sites for a decade. After my four year sulk of irregular posting on SOMETIMES, I seem to have to learn WORDPRESS all over again. This post is a practice piece, checking out the new image post protocol. I suppose everyone has had enough of my cat, Alice, and her modeling poses…but my camera just can’t resist.


  3. Don’t know if this is your “daily post “(since it’s Tuesday?) Or if you mean another page? Tor Tuesday the photo of the Pony espresso or the Antigue store would fit – take your pick…but I actually came here for FOTD (where I read about putting my link on your daily post) – thanks for hosting and have a beautiful week!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Cee! I’m glad you visited my site because I feel like I’ve found a treasure in your blog! I enjoyed reading your about page – you wrote a lot of things that resonated. I’ve been blogging for about a week now and I’m really loving it! The Pull up a Seat photo challenge was my first. It was fun to put my own spin on it and to see others’ creativity and ways of thinking. So I’m excited to join in on the challenges you offer. And also thank you for taking the time to compile a list of other challenges too! Thank you!


  5. Pingback: Against the Wind |
  6. Cee, you got a great thing goin’ on here, Girl. Congratulations on a terrific site and on having a contagious enthusiasm! I might even start taking pictures now. 🙂


  7. This architecture, cities, doors, etc. has me so excited. I think I have images for every upcoming topic except fountains. And I’ve been wanting to make a couple fountain images for awhile.


  8. Pingback: Post 4 | Sam 2.0
  9. Remarkable issues here. I’m very happy to see your
    post. Thanks so much and I’m taking a look ahead to contact you.
    Will you please drop me a mail?


  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog so that I could find yours! I’m excited to start participating in CFFC each week! Not only will it be fun to try to find an image to match the theme, but I enjoy looking at all the amazing work of others!


  11. Cee–I have a photo I’ve been saving for two years to use and a challenge has never come up that is appropriate–but, it is really probably my favorite photo I’ve ever taken. Would you consider using it as a prompt–seeing what others would come up with in answer to it? Although it looks like it would work for a black and white challenge, it is only black and white in one respect…You’ll see what I mean when you see it. How could I show it to you? Post it on my blog and see what you think? If you are not interested, no problema.. I’ll just wait and wait and wait.. :o) Judy


  12. haha took me a bit but I knew I saw purple somewhere here. I drove my car across the lawn today so the lilacs could be in the pic (my car color is called ‘grape ice’). Now, I noticed I have more time to get the right pic. Thank you.


  13. Hi there, Cee … I hope the weekend has been gentle to you – I have picked you to join me in a small photo challenge, but please don’t feel that you have to join. There is no must in my blogging world.


  14. Pingback: PINK |
  15. Hey Cee, I love you challenges!!!! Just wanted to ask a question. You have four upcoming ones up ahead of time. I really think that is a great idea. When can we send you in a link for one of those? do you announce its start or can we go ahead and send in once its ready? Cheers Leanne


    • On Tuesday morning (US Pacific Time) I add a post for the specific topic of the week. So for next week, it will be Pink. Add your link to that specific post. Then the next week will be the next topic and so forth.


  16. Glad you liked my photo of the gelada baboons. I stood encircled by them when I took this photo. You might enjoy my other Ethiopia photos. See my blog posts starting July 2014.


  17. Thanks for liking my post on Orange. I forgot to include the photo of “Wearing it!” These photo challenges are fun to do, and I look forward to participating in yours! I can see by your site that you put a lot of time into this, so thanks a lot.


  18. I am rediscovering colour (besides orange I mean!) so your theme is most appropriate:)
    Thanks for hosting this challenge.


    • Thanks so much for playing along. I added your link to the post for the challenge. My Black and White Challenge is moving to Thursday and it is going to be run weekly. And my Which Way will remain on Wednesday and that will run weekly as well. I figured this way it will be less confusing than the ever other week.


  19. Cee, do I still have time to enter? I wont be putting up until tomorrow. I have to look for the pictures and get them ready… Let me know please…


  20. the topics for your photo challenges are interesting. is the upcoming challenges list going to be in the order mentioned above? and which day of the week do you post a new challenge? what is the challenge this week?


  21. If I can work out how to participate, I’ll join in the fun with great pleasure. I guess with a bit of patience I might get there.


  22. Cee, it sounds like so much FUN:))) can you, please, tell me on which day of the week do you usually announce the fun photo challenge to try and join it whenever I can.. is it on Tuesdays? sorry, couldn’t quite figure it out (blush)… thank you!!


  23. Thanks for the like, Cee! I can see that you like….no, love pictures! And I am going to try your ‘sit for 15 minute’ exercise. Great idea.


  24. Hi Cee,
    So glad you are on WordPress! I find it so much easier to use. Is there some way to sign up to get your blog delivered with an e-mail notification. I am following your blog, but most of the blogs I follow get delivered into my email inbox, and then I just know it’s saved there and easily accessible until I can get to it.


  25. Another fun one! Find my “two” picture:

    I’m not at all sure whether I’m connecting correctly to your page with my photo entries. Please let me know if you can suggest a better way for me to connect. I’m finding myself to be quite slow in learning some of the finer points of blogging these days. Harrumph!


  26. I know that you were building a web site. When I click on it your web page comes up. Does that mean that you are no longer the Fun Foto Challenge. I don’t see it.
